Active Query Builder support area

Article to describe how to configure a React App using AQB on separate IIS application server

  • updated

Hi there, is there an article that describes the setup of AQB with a React SPA running on SERVER1 and the AQB .Net application running on SERVER2 please?

My environment is setup like this:

1. AQB is set up an running on IIS as ASP.Net Core application on port 8080 (http) and 8081 (https)

2. I have a React SPA running on a different/separate web server, and also have my local development PC running Mac OS, from where I have the React SPA running, but would like to create the AQB from the remote IIS server.

The help docs I found ( refers to "You can leverage the component even if you don't have an .NET server by packing a server side in a Docker container and plugging just one .js file to the web page to get up and running! Therefore, Active Query Builder can be used on any website, no matter if the server side is built with Java, PHP, Node.Js, Python, Ruby or any other technology."

I think I may be looking for the article that explains how :to "plugging just one .js file to the web page"

Any help will be much appreciated.