Drag&Drop on DesignPane
is it possibe to allow a Drag&Drop operation on the design pane? I know that a QueryBuilder instance has the events for it, but they are not fired if the cursor is on the design pane. Is there any way to access the design pane and to subscribe to its Drag&Drop events?
Best regards,
Christian Sack
There's a special Drag&Drop demo project included in the installation package (demo projects are installed to "%USERPROFILE%\Dosuments\Active Query Builder *** Examples" folder), and there's an article in the Knowledge Base: How to add object to the query by dragging from an external control to the query builder?
Please note that the third version (.NET 3.0 Professional) has ability to separate the Database Schema Tree control from the rest of the user interface, so you can place it, say, on a foldable side panel or anywhere else in your app.
Combined with wide opportuinties of database schema tree structure customization, this might allow you to use the Active Query Builder's tree control instead of your custom control. (Customizing Database Schema Tree structure)