How to make user controls (parts of the component's UI) resizable by end-user? (ASP.NET Edition)
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1. Add the following CSS into the HEAD section to unlock the fixed-size block and set the default height of its container:
<style> #qb-ui-tree-view { height: auto; } #qb-ui { height: 600px; } </style>
2. Add the following script when the component is fully rendered on the page. That said, in the case of the server-side rendering, place it before the closing BODY tag; in the case of client-side rendering, call it in the onQueryBuilderReady event handler.
<script> $(function () { $('.qb-ui-layout').resizable({ handles: "s" }); $('.qb-ui-canvas').resizable({ handles: "s" }); $('.qb-ui-tree-view').resizable({ handles: "e" }); }); </script>