How to load a saved xml with userqueries and favourites?
I have saved a XML file using UserQueries.ExportToXML(...) and it looks good.
The file contains my favourites and the folders as well as the userqueries.
My problem is now to load it when opening a server connection.
I tried
Using UserQueries.ImportFromXMl shows me the error
"Exception: Incorrect xml schema: unexpected element "metadata_type" at line 15, pos 89"
When using QueryBuilder.MetadataStructure.ExportFavouritesToXML and ImportFavouritesFromXML it works fine, except I get no userqueries.
I'm using AQB in VS2022 in a VB.Net Basic Winform.
I wanted to add my XML file, but I could not add it to this post
Hi Andrey,
thank you so much. Things could be so easy.
During my tests I was quite close to that (saving in 2 files), but I missed one important thing.
That was the