Active Query Builder support area

Display name instead of alt_name in Database Schema Tree

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In the ASP.NET edition, I have alt_name values in my metadata xml for my table names. Can I configure the tree to display the table name instead of the alt_name or does it always display the alt_name value when it exists? Something like the UseAltNames for the PlainTextSQLBuilder, but for the tree.

Andrey Zavyalov, PM


Call the queryBuilder.MetadataStructure.UnloadChildItems() method after changing the UseAltNames property to reload the tree.

Andrey Zavyalov, PM

Hello, Marc.

ASP.NET 2.0: The same-named property in the QueryBuilder controls usage of alternate names in the query builder UI regardless of SQL text generation. (QueryBuilder.UseAltNames)

AQB for .NET 3 (all editions):
- The QueryBuilder.SQLGenerationOptions.UseAltNames controls the display of alternate names in the UI. 
- The QueryBuilder.SQLFormattingOptions.UseAltNames controls the display of alternate names in the formatted SQL query text via the QueryBuilder.FormattedSQL property. 


The reason for this is that some 'power users' may want to have the tree display the actual names, so I'd like to be able to toggle it at runtime.