Active Query Builder support area

Number of metadata filter limits ?

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Is there a limit to the number of MetaDataFilterItems that one can add to filter a list of views ?

I'm wanting to filter by a 'list' of specific filenames rather than wildcard filters 'vw%' etc

Is there a low limit or is it effectively unlimited ?



Seems you should ensure you set same SQLSyntax in both AQB instances

Andrew Kennard

I currently don't set it in code so it should be xsAuto as per your comment in the ActiveX code

// For the ActiveX Edition, use the "SQLSyntax = xsAuto" setting and examine the UsedSQLSyntax property.

So I guess I need to work out what it is after connection and somehow put that in the XML ?

Andrew Kennard

It seems the SQLSyntax is Auto before AND after Connected is set to true

I don't seem to have a UsedSQLSyntax property ?


UsedSQLSyntax is a read-only property of the IActiveQueryBuilderX

Could you set up some syntax forcely? For example, SQL92 or Universal?

Andrew Kennard

OK I have now set it to xsMSSQL2008 BEFORE loading the XML or setting connected to True and this seems to have helped