Active Query Builder support area

Minimum control size

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Do you enforce an overall minimum control size ?

It looks that way when I am testing the resizing with anchors

Sergey Kraikov

I enforced minimum Design Pane size, and set MaxWidth constraint for the Metadata Tree

Andrew Kennard

I mean your control as a whole. It sounds like you do. Can you tell me the minimum size for your control outer frame

Andrey Zavyalov, PM

There is no minimal constraints on the outer frame. If you need a specific number, you can set any reasonable width and height when the content still looks meaningful to you.

Andrew Kennard

Thanks. The only reason I was asking was Id anchored the control and was getting some slight strange effect on the depth. I looked liked the starting height I had chosen was just a little bit less than a minimum height. I made the container a bit taller and all was OK again so to me it appeared to have one. I'm not saying it should not have one as clearly if the control is too small it is unusable. But if there is one I just wanted to know what it was, but you are saying there is not one