Using the VB ActiveX example at the bottom of this page
I'm trying to create a DF version and am struggling a bit with a couple of things
I can get the Filters property if the QT but which object is it FilterJunction etc ?
t.Where column0.Not_Equal(100)
The Where of the QT returns a variant in DF what if anything should I be doing with this ?
My first attempt hasn't changed anything after the EndUpdate but I'm sure i've not got things quite right
I've replaced the basic ActiveX API help file to the CHM format in the new version 1.26.12.
I've also added all Interfaces, Properties and Methods descriptions to the type library.
OutputColumn.ColumnByName throws an error if a column is not found. This is made to raise errors on trying to construct incorrect filters.
There is the OutputColumn.FindColumn property with the same functionality that does not throw an error, but returns NULL if a column is not found.