Active Query Builder support area

error using DevExpress controls

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I'm trying to use QueryBuilder with DevExpress controls. After following the steps in this KB page, I still get the error below.

Failed to call GetCustomTreeView() method from DevExpressControlFactory.

Failed to load assembly "ActiveDatabaseSoftware.DevExpressControlFactory2.dll".

Andrey Zavyalov, PM

Possibly you forgot to add reference to the ActiveDatabaseSoftware.DevExpressControlFactory2.dll in your project. Make sure that version of DevExpressControlFactory2.dll and ActiveQueryBuilder2.dll are the same.

If you refer to the right versions of DevExpress an Active Query Builder in your project and still have this problem, please set the "Copy Local" property of referred DevExpress and Active Query Builder assemblies to True.

Andrey Zavyalov, PM

Possibly you forgot to add reference to the ActiveDatabaseSoftware.DevExpressControlFactory2.dll in your project. Make sure that version of DevExpressControlFactory2.dll and ActiveQueryBuilder2.dll are the same.

If you refer to the right versions of DevExpress an Active Query Builder in your project and still have this problem, please set the "Copy Local" property of referred DevExpress and Active Query Builder assemblies to True.

Andrey Zavyalov, PM

If you refer to the right versions of DevExpress an Active Query Builder in your project and still have this problem, please set the "Copy Local" property of referred DevExpress and Active Query Builder assemblies to True.


Perhaps something is wrong with the output path in your projects settings.

A similar problem mentioned here

Please check VS macros used in the path.


OK, it seems the DLLs weren't copied to bin/Debug folder. I copied them and worked with no errors.

In my another project it gives this error: ".....\bin\DebugActiveDatabaseSoftware.DevExpressControlFactory2.dll'

The project output path has trailing slash.

I couldn't resolve it yet.

Anyway, thanks.


Actually, I created a simple example to try that. My code and references are in the attached image .

Also both dlls are same version. (, Runtime: v2.0.50727)

Andrey Zavyalov, PM

Possibly you forgot to add reference to the ActiveDatabaseSoftware.DevExpressControlFactory2.dll in your project. Make sure that version of DevExpressControlFactory2.dll and ActiveQueryBuilder2.dll are the same.