Active Query Builder support area


  • updated
  • Completed

I'm using a DevExpress splash form and strangely once I started using Active Query Builder the styles on my non-DevExpress controls were lost.

I know that sounds strange - I will explain further.

In C#, my Main looked like this:

        static void Main()
            SplashScreenManager.ShowForm(typeof(SplashScreen3), false, false);

            Application.Run(new Form1());

When I started using Active Query Builder it became this:

        static void Main()
            SplashScreenManager.ShowForm(typeof(SplashScreen3), false, false);

            var i = ControlFactory.Instance; // force call static constructor of control factory

            Application.Run(new Form1());

Once I did this, buttons (regular buttons, not Dev Express buttons) that were previously 'flat' in appearance were no longer flat. I also notice that a tab control that I had changed to White was now gray.

So I swapped the first two lines:

        static void Main()
            var i = ControlFactory.Instance; // force call static constructor of control factory

            SplashScreenManager.ShowForm(typeof(SplashScreen3), false, false);

            Application.Run(new Form1());

And I think things are back to normal...too soon to know for sure. But this is strange behaviour and I am wondering about other unintended consequences that might creep up later.

By the way I'm using DevExpress version 18.1.7 and the latest AQB.

Any ideas?






Kay Bren

Actually I didn't purposely pick any skin so it's possible.

Andrey Zavyalov, PM

Am I right that the problem happens when you use vector skins like Bezier?

Kay Bren

No update really. DevExpress looked into it but couldn't reproduce. Looking back at my post I had to have the code in void Main() in a specific order and the problem went away.  I'm not really worried about it now. thx!

Andrey Zavyalov, PM

Hello, Kay.

Do you have any updates on this problem?

Andrey Zavyalov, PM

Hello, Kelsy.

We cannot reproduce this problem. A small sample project can be helpful. BTW, after compiling this project for us, please make sure that the removal of Active Query Builder from it really solves the problem.

Kay Bren

Note - DevExpress is looking into this. I will report back if they conclude anything.