Active Query Builder support area

Syntax SQL server is not running with two "ON" in the view

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  • Completed

Hello I use sql server and management, if I write my view like this there are an error

SELECT dbo.[tbl intervention ot rapport].arretnecessaireon, dbo.[tbl unité fonctionnelle ensemble].code AS equipement
FROM dbo.[tbl unité fonctionnelle ensemble] RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.[tbl intervention ot rapport] INNER JOIN
dbo.[tbl configuration ot dt] ON dbo.[tbl intervention ot rapport].[num origine défaillance] = dbo.[tbl configuration ot dt].[num origine défaillance] ON
dbo.[tbl unité fonctionnelle ensemble].[num unité fonctionnelle ensemble] = dbo.[tbl intervention ot rapport].[num unité fonctionnelle ensemble sel]

if I write this it s it s good

SELECT dbo.[tbl intervention ot rapport].arretnecessaireon, dbo.[tbl unité fonctionnelle ensemble].code AS equipement
FROM dbo.[tbl intervention ot rapport] INNER JOIN
dbo.[tbl configuration ot dt] ON dbo.[tbl intervention ot rapport].[num origine défaillance] = dbo.[tbl configuration ot dt].[num origine défaillance] LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.[tbl unité fonctionnelle ensemble] ON dbo.[tbl intervention ot rapport].[num unité fonctionnelle ensemble] = dbo.[tbl unité fonctionnelle ensemble].[num unité fonctionnelle ensemble]

The reason seem come from the "ON" in view is directly after an other "ON" is there a solution to have the good translation

Thank you


Thank you it s perfect

Andrey Zavyalov, PM


The bug has been fixed in the new version Please confirm that it's fixed on your side.


thank you

Sergey Kraikov


this issue is fixed upstream, and the fix will be included in the next release,
which will be available in next few days.


hello you can find a video that what I do step by step with the link below

My computer is in french version

I use the version "",

thank you

Sergey Kraikov


Thank you for detailed report, I reproduced the issue on my side, and currently fixing it.

Andrey Zavyalov, PM


Unfortunately, this isn't something we've been able to reproduce on our side.

We've extracted your database and tested the General demo (C#) with it using the latest components' version

Please open the General demo project on your PC, go to the References section, find the Active Query Builder Core assembly and make a screenshot of its properties in Visual Studio. If the version number that's displayed in the properties is "", please send us the step-by-step guide how to reproduce it, or make a screencast of your actions that illustrate this problem on unmodified General demo project.

Please provide as much as possible information about this problem.


I give you a backup with the database from sql server Express 2012/

in the view I put the view with problems (test1)

I test it in your program GENERALDEMO

Sergey Kraikov

I still cannot reproduce this issue. ActiveQueryBuilder loads both queries without errors.
Could you please provide more details? Step-by-step instruction or sample project or code snippet to reproduce the issue?


Hello in the second View I have a cast Problem

'ActiveQueryBuilder.Core.DataSourceGroup' in type 'ActiveQueryBuilder.Core.DataSource'.