Active Query Builder support area

How to turn the logging on? (ASP.NET Edition)

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Assign an instance of the StreamLog class to the queryBuilder.Log property.

public void SetLogger()
    var log = new StreamLog(new FileStream(@"c:\tmp\Log", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
    var qb = QueryBuilderStore.Get();
    qb.Log = log; // log the QueryBuilder, SqlContext, MetadataProvider, SyntaxProvider activity
    // OR 
    AqbHandler.Log = log; // in addition to the above-mentioned activity, will log all requests from clients to the server

You can create your own class implementing the ILog interface to write messages to log. It can write them to a simple text file writer, or you can use a logging library like the "log4net" assembly.

using ActiveQueryBuilder.Web.Server.Handlers;
using log4net;

    public class MvcApplication : HttpApplication
        protected void Application_Start()
            // do the needful
            BaseHandler.Log = new Logger();

    public class Logger : ActiveQueryBuilder.Core.ILog
        private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger("Logger");

        public void Trace(string message)

        public void Warning(string message)

        public void Error(string message)

        public void Error(Exception ex, string message)
            Log.Error(message, ex);

You can simply put a breakpoint in the Error method to catch the exception details in the IDE.

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