Active Query Builder support area

How to compile AQB with the RAD Studio Commutity edition? (VCL Edition)

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If you install AQB in the default "Program Files" folder, you will get a compilation error on installing installed additional metadata provider packages to the RAD Studio Commutity edition. That's because the installation directory is not writable by the user by default.

For commercial editions of RAD Studio, compilation is done by the installer, which runs with admin privileges.

But when you compile additional metadata providers manually, this dir is not writable, because RAD Studio runs with user privileges.

Follow the steps below to compile and install any third-party DB connector connectivity package. In this guide, we will consider it is AbsoluteDB metadata provider.
1. Uninstall AQB completely;
2. Run the installer again. On the "Destination Folder" step, copy the content of the "Demo projects folder" edit box (by default it is C:\Users\Public\Documents\ActiveDBSoft) to the "Destination folder" edit box. This way, the installer puts the component and demos in the same folder in the use public documents dir (C:\Users\Public\Documents\ActiveDBSoft).

3. Continue installation as usual. You'll get the same acQueryBuilderAbsoluteDB packages compilation errors, because RAD Studio CE does not support direct calls of dcc32.exe and dcc64.exe command-line compilers. This is expected.

4. Run the RAD Studio and open the "C:\Users\Public\Documents\ActiveDBSoft\Packages\RadStudio11\acQueryBuilderAbsoluteDBD28.dproj" run-time package project. Right-click on it in the "Projects" tree and click "Compile" in context menu. Compilation should pass without errors. Next, close the project, save changes to it when prompted.

5. Open the "C:\Users\Public\Documents\ActiveDBSoft\Packages\RadStudio11\acQueryBuilderDsgnAbsoluteDBD28.dproj" design-time package project, right-click on it in "Projects" tree and click "Install" in the context menu. RAD Studio will compile the package, install it and inform you that the new component has been registered: TacAbsoluteDBMetadataProvider. Next, close the project, save changes to it when prompted.

That is all, now you can use a third-party metadata provider it in your projects.

If you want to compile x64-version of the same, you can repeat steps 4 and 6 for the x64 platform. Step 5 is not required as design-time packages are used by RAD Studio only, which is a x32 process.

Hope it helps!

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