Active Query Builder support area

Columns Pane Or columns

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Unless I am misunderstanding the fact that there are only three 'Or' columns in the right of the Columns Pane doesn't seem very many

What if you wanted to provide a list of states or countries for example ?

Is this a use cause for the custom expression builder option ?


Sergey Kraikov

The TAB key behaviour when cursor in the last column of Select List is fixed in v1.26.12

Andrew Kennard

OK I think there must have been a change from 1.25 to 1.26.11 that affects DF

It works in VB but not in DF unless I add some extra code (which is fine, I am happy to do that)

One thing I would say that is common to both is that when you press tab in the last column it adds a new column but the focus goes to the beginning of the next row rather than to the newly added cell which I think would be better ?

Sergey Kraikov

I verified the TAB key - it moves focus to the right cell, seems works fine. Could you please ensure you running the updated version?

You can verify it in the About dialog which can be displayed by calling AboutBox method

If the TAB still not working, could you please provide a small step-by-step instruction how to reproduce the issue? Maybe I tested the different feature :)

Could you please test it using VB.NET also?

Andrew Kennard

The auto adding of additional columns now seem to work.

However I was sure previously you could press the Tab key to move to the cell to the right of the current one this does not now seem to work ?

Andrey Zavyalov, PM

There's a special area for the customers at our web site: Customer's area. You should register there if you did not do this yet (you did not become registered there automatically on purchasing), confirm your e-mail and login. After that you'll be able to download the latest version or one of the previous versions.

Note that if you register in the Customer's area with e-mail that differs from the purchase e-mail, you should click the "Find my orders" link and submit a request to assign your order to your account.

Andrew Kennard

We purchased your component through Component Source and downloaded it from there. Please can you give me the link where we should download the lastest version from


Sergey Kraikov

This issue is already fixed in v1.25.4 released Jul 24 2015

Andrew Kennard

According to Properties>Details of ActiveQueryBuilderXControls.ocx it is 19/05/2015 15:51


Andrey Zavyalov, PM

What is your version of the component?

Andrew Kennard

Thanks for the feedback

Yes I take your point about the IN etc and that is how I would normally do it I was just asking the question.

"If you try to use all "or" columns, you will note that there's one more "or" column appears at the right."

I'm not seeing this ? if I type something in the last OR column and press tab it does not seem to add another column if that is what you were expecting ?