Columns Pane Or columns
Unless I am misunderstanding the fact that there are only three 'Or' columns in the right of the Columns Pane doesn't seem very many
What if you wanted to provide a list of states or countries for example ?
Is this a use cause for the custom expression builder option ?
If you try to use all "or" columns, you will note that there's one more "or" column appears at the right.
Moreover, this feature is rarely used because there are not too many cases when "OR" is used as the top-most logical operator.
In Active Query Builder, all conditions from cells of one column ("Criteria" and "Or") are united with "AND" operator, and then these groups are united with "OR".
Usually, there's another situation: you have all conditions joined with "AND" and some of the inner conditions are united with "OR". In this case, all conditions should be placed in a single cell like "= 'Norway' OR = 'Sweden' OR = 'Belguim'".
I recommend to use the IN operator to replace multiple OR-joined conditions: "FieldName IN ('Norway', 'Sweden', 'Belgium')". By the way, values will be automatically quoted as necessary if end-user doesn't type values in apostrophes.