Active Query Builder support area

Upgrading to Active Query Builder 2 from version 1.x.

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Installation of the Active Query Builder 2 .NET Edition does not affect the installation of the previous major version so that they can be installed simultaneously.
To migrate your project to the Active Query Builder 2 .NET Edition you should remove the reference to the old assemblies and add the appropriate assemblies of the new version. The "2" suffix has been added to the names of all assemblies, but the namespace (ActiveDatabaseSoftware.ActiveQueryBuilder) remains the same.
After that, you should change the source code of your project according to the changes in the new version. Two main improvements require changes in the source code:
1. QueryBuilder properties have been reorganized into several options groups. You can read more about the QueryBuilder property groups here.
We've made the command-line utility to convert the layout of forms. It can substitute the old properties and events in your .designer.cs and .designer.vb files for the new ones. You can find the FormDesignerConverter.exe file in the installation directory. Pass the directory as a command-line parameter to recursively scan it for .designer files, or pass a filename as the first parameter. The "AQB Form Designer conversion log.txt" file will be saved to the current directory or the Documents directory. Backup copies of modified files will be saved to the same directory with the .bak extension.
2. QueryBuilder.MetadataContainer object is re-worked entirely. You can read about the new Metadata Container here. If you did not do any customizations in the metadata, you'd need just to replace the call to the QueryBuilder.RefreshMetadata() method with the QueryBuilder.InitializeDatabaseSchemaTree() method.
We've made the command-line utility to convert metadata XML files from the old to the new format. You can find the XmlConverter.exe file in the AQB 2.x installation directory and download it from the website. Pass the filename of the old XML file with metadata as the first parameter and the filename to save the new XML file as the second parameter.

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